Monday, April 25, 2011

The Two of Us Could Run.

"We mostly work to live, until we live to work."
-Run by Vampire Weekend

The school year is almost over, and all I can think about is Summer. I day dream of swimming in the lake, picnics with friends, and galloons of pink lemonade. It just sounds absolutely perfect.

Photos of me by Maddie.



Tonya said...

You look beautiful in this color! I love this outfit. Amazing photos.
Hope you had a good easter!!

valncami said...

You are absolutely stunning in that blue dress. I can't wait till summer either! Thank you for the comment on our blog:)


Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

OOOooo pink lemonade sounds divine :) I love the colour of your dress! cobalt blue is SO flattering and vibrant :)

Love, Vanilla

P.s I have moved to

Kat said...

you're so beautiful. and such a sweetheart -- i can't wait for you to return back with your own new posts! <3